Bhutan, officially named the Kingdom of Bhutan, located in South Asia, is a landlocked country in the Eastern Himalayas. The capital of Bhutan is called Thimpu. The Bhutanese speak the language of Dzongkha.
3. The main religion is Buddhism
The main religion in Bhutan is Buddhism. What they practice is called Mahayana. The Mahayana is not just considered as Buddhism, or a religion, every person in Bhutan takes it as a philosophy of their everyday life. Thus they believe that whatever they do in their present life will be the rhythm of their next life, which is the future. Which is why Mahayana that is being practiced all over the country in Bhutan is not just about oneself, it is all about thinking as a general for everyone, not just human, but also for animals.
4. Everything is in a clockwise manner
Everything works clockwise, for example, the prayer wheels are turned clockwise, and people are also walking clockwise around the stupa.
5. Kila Goempa is the oldest nunnery in Bhutan
Kila Goempa Nunnery, Ha District, was established as a meditation site in the ninth century and is now reputedly the oldest nunnery in Bhutan. The nuns pursue higher college studies in a series of nunnery buildings.
The 5 Things I Have Learnt
1. Bhutan has only ONE international airport
Situated in a deep valley at an elevation of 2,200 meters in Paro, Paro International Airport is served by Bhutan Airlines and Drukair. It is known as one of the most dangerous airports in the world.
2. 72% of Bhutan land is green
Deforestation does not exist in Bhutan. The trees are valued greatly. Whenever a forest is destroyed by en it comes to the trees, it is more important for them as they have no cutting of green trees. In case if a forest gets destroyed by fire, trees are replanted to make it green.
How can we improve Malaysia in the sense of a zero-carbon country?
Becoming a zero-carbon country is not an easy journey. In order for Malaysia to transform into one requires adaptation to a very different lifestyle for all its citizens before it can be considered 100% zero-carbon. However, we can follow several methods into making our country a greener environment with the inspiration from Bhutan's ways.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy
Using limited resources cautiously
Going paperless
Sustaining a clean environment