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Orthographic Drawings

of a Mini Chalet

For this assignment, we were to design a mini chalet on a proposed site(the lake) with Taylor’s Hostel Management as the client. An imaginary project that incorporates the comprehension of procedures from construction drawings by implementing a virtual site observation. We had to carry out a site plan, a floor  plan, 2 external elevations and 2 sections.

Image by Sergey Zolkin
Image by Sergey Zolkin
Week 9(I): Floor Plan

Starting off, I sketched several possibilities from the three options of spaces for the floor plan. This allowed me to explore different ways of arranging the dining area, the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom etc. After I was satisfied with one of my floor plan layouts, I began venturing the IKEA catalogue for my mini chalet’s furniture selection. Next, I began drawing the floor plan.

Week 10(II): Site Plans & Elevations

For this week, I drew out my site plan to visualise the roof in order to begin my elevation drawings. I then started drawing my elevations however, it came to a realisation when I forgot to include the background of the site. This slowed my progress down as I had to redraw my elevations in a different scale.

Week 11(III): Sections


It was quite a rush, finalising the elevation dilemma, however I managed to draw a section in time for feedback as feedback is truly essential for such a hefty project. After gaining feedback, I continued by fixing up errors and so on so forth.

For this week, I added the dimensions and ensured that all my drawings are tallied with one another. I also added the texture and material symbols to my drawings.

I began finalizing my drawings, and proceeded with inking. Inking is always a careful process as one mistake means it has to be done all over again.

Week 12(IV): Settling Stuff
Week 13(V): Inking
Week 14(VI): Wrappin' It Up!

After scanning my drawings, I began compiling my furniture selection in the document, now ready to submit the assignment.




By doing this assignment, I was able to think critically can creatively by identifying and analysing problems.


My intellectual engagement was truly insightful. I was able to locate, extract, synthesise and utilise the information I obtained from various resources via the internet, Ms Ann's material and YouTube. 


I was given the ability to reflect on my actions by managing my time efficiently as well as refining self-reliance. 

All in all, this assignment made me realise how much work is put into creating a space especially for a ‘mini’ chalet. From texture, to furniture, roofing, doors, windows and walls, I have learnt to independently discover all the aspects of each and every detail for this assignment. It was a joyride of architectural pressure however I have grown to appreciate the importance of self-reliance. Although it was not an easy going process, I enjoyed embarking on this imaginary project as a make-believe architect.


Feel free to reach out to me! I'd be more than happy to respond. 

Kimberly Yong Li Ping | 0343281


WhatsApp: +6012 499 5480


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