Unity, Variety,
Rhythm & Repetition
For this assignment, we were to research and express architecture forms through the application of rhythmic repetitive variations in unison.
This was carried out by producing 9 models (8 mini 10x10cm models and 1magnified 20x20cm model).
Week 5(I): Research
For the first week, I compiled my findings on different objects with interesting shapes and patterns.
After doing so, I decided to choose the Okra vegetable.
Week 6-8 (II-IV): Mini Models
Week 9(V): Magnified Model
This was harder to envision as I had trouble with figuring out the integration between the selected mini models. This led me to repeatedly sketch until I finally had a concept to execute.
Making these mini models helped me learn how to organise and visualise its scale and dimensions in order to execute it hands-on.
Here are my personal favourites:
My intellectual engagement was truly insightful. I was able to locate, extract, synthesise and utilise the information I obtained from various resources via the internet.
I was given the ability to reflect on my actions by managing my time efficiently as well as refining self-reliance.
I learnt how to compile this project in a step-by-step manner for optimal readability, clarity and aesthetic appeal.
This assignment has taught me how to understand the importance of unity, variety, rhythm and repetition in spatial design. It was quite a challenge, however it has given me the ability to envision in a realistic scale using my creativity through one shape.